gz-cpp-util 1.3
A c++20 library containing various utilities


This c++20 library contains multiple useful functions, most of them are focused on working with strings.

Please report bugs on the github page!

For the changelog, have a look at the readme.


  1. extensive and extendable logger using variadic templates to log almost anything
  2. containers like a thread safe queue and a ringbuffer
  3. regex that works with std::string_view
  4. string <-> type conversion
  5. Settings Manager which can store settings of different types and load/save them from/to a file
  6. a script that generates an array of strings for your enumerations, so that you can get the name of an enum value



Arch Linux (ABS)


  • Add -lgzutil to your linker flags
  • Include the wanted header: #include <gz-util/dir/header.hpp>